Sunday, March 9, 2008

Getting GNU screen to show the current directory or command as the tab title

Put the following in your .bashrc:
#if in screen, update session stuff
if [[ $TERM == 'screen' ]]; then
function rename_screen_tab () { echo -ne "\x1bk$@\x1b\\"; return 0; }
trap 'echo -ne "\ek${USER:0:1}@${HOSTNAME:0:1}#$BASH_COMMAND\e\\"' DEBUG
PROMPT_COMMAND='rename_screen_tab ${USER:0:1}@${HOSTNAME:0:1}:${PWD##*/}'

It shortens your user name to one letter, the host you are on to one letter, and the path to the lowest directory.

Example: b@p#vim extract_link

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